Tastes of Travel - Destination Africa

Our virtual Africa Safari escape inspired some African flavors in the kitchen! With travel plans temporarily on hold, bring the tastes of Africa to your kitchen. Enjoy mixing up your own bowl of Black-Eyed-Pea Salad. A huge thank you to my friend and author, Grace Kuto, for sharing her recipe!


  • 2 cans Black-eyed Peas

  • ½ cup of chopped red pepper

  • ½ cup quarter sliced cucumber

  • ½ cup chopped celery

  • ½ cup cooked sweet corn or Del Monte canned sweet corn

  • 1/2 cup Italian vinaigrette (or vinaigrette of your choice)


  1. Mix peas with all the chosen vegetable ingredients.

  2. Add Italian or any Vinaigrette type of salad dressing of your choice to your taste.

  3. Best results if left in fridge overnight to marinate for next day’s use. (Perfectly OK to use it same day it is prepared.

Serves 6-8.

Black-eyed peas (beans) are great for side dish or healthy snack and a fun way to include legumes into your repertoire. This dish is a great source of protein, fiber and high quality complex carbs, all which helps keep you full and satisfied which in turn may reduce cravings if you have a sweet tooth.

Black-eyed peas (beans) are great for side dish or healthy snack. They are commonly eaten in the Southern States of America and Africa but history places its origins in North America. This is a very healthy, colorful, tasty, and fun way to include legumes in your diet. Most people gravitate towards this dish because of its powerful and inviting colors to the human eye. Then they are pleasantly surprised by its very rich and earthy taste. Black-eyed peas are a good source of protein, low fat complex carbohydrates, soluble fiber, vitamin K, anti-oxidants and more. Salad version is great for Spring and Summer seasons!
